Tim Merritt
Mr. Merritt was born in Montana. His father was a pastor, missionary, and the head of disaster relief for the LCMS. Mr. Merritt graduated from Concordia University Irvine, CA in 1994 with a degree in Elementary Education. He has taught 2nd and 3rd grade prior to moving into high school. In addition to Faith, he taught at Grace Lutheran in Arlington, TX and Heavenly Host in Cookeville, TN.
Mr. Merritt is privileged to serve in many roles including High School Principal, Technology Coordinator, and high school teacher. He has been at Faith since 1998 and was instrumental in starting the high school. He teaches Omnibus (a combination of Theology, Literature and History), Logic, Rhetoric, Computer applications, Speech, and Drama.
Mr. Merritt and his wife have four sons, all of whom graduated for FLHS. Three are in college and one graduated from Texas A&M and is now an officer in the army.